Thursday, June 22, 2006

School is over. Summer is here.

Sometimes I feel like a little kid, anxious and eager for school to be out.
Now truthfully as an adult, my Summer may have started but I am as busy as ever. We leave on vacation next week so maybe reality may hit me then.

I still have two more mornings at work to do some prep for the Summer Institute. I am not sure if my mind has rested enough to be able to make the leap and do what is necessary for this class.
Maybe a relaxing weekend could help.

Good news though..... my daughter got hired as a first grade teacher in small district. I could not have handpicked a better principal. She is very lucky and I know it will be a great experience.

So many more blogs to read...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Evaluation for the second set of Lit Circle Bloggers

Did I learn from this second set of bloggers? And how. They found more creative ways around not blogging than I could have thought possible. Three of the groups found the messaging on Nicenet and had to be led kicking and screaming away from it.

Some of the groups were working really well for the Lit Circles and some had some interpersonal difficulties as is typical with middle schoolers. I think we could have done better if it had been earlier in the year. I am not sure if they would have benefited by reading a novel together and using it for Lit Circles with me picking the groups.Working with their buddies was too distracting for some of the students. The lack of maturity in some of the groups also showed up in their blogging, minimal effort all around. These two groups had some definite problems with absent group members.

On the other hand I found several of the groups ran themselves very well, made adjustments when needed and had a great time with the blogging.

I think I will try this next year as a group blog with my other reading students. I think if I do quite a bit of modeling we might make it a success.

So plans for next year will include continued work on blogs, creating a wiki for my core class and playing with podcasts. I need to think how I can integrate those into my plans. In the meantime I will keep reading the various education blogs to help me get some more ideas.

I need to start planning for the Summer Institute. We now have a waiting list! Wow!